As we move forward with our merger and look forward to the new year, we are in need of volunteers to make sure that operations at St. Francis continue to run smoothly.
Some of the areas that are in need of volunteers are: Sacristy decoration and upkeep, Buildings and Maintenance, Grounds beautification, Parish Hall, Phoenicia Rectory Office, Ushers/Greeters, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers, Faith formation (Children and Adults), Music/Liturgy Training and support are available, and we can be flexible around those times when you can’t be here.
If you are interested, please fill out an index card that are in the pews. Include your name, phone and email contact information, and the area that you wish to volunteer and drop it in the collection basket.
We appreciate your support!
The Buildings and Grounds Committee oversees maintenance, upkeep, and mandated safety regulation enforcement for all St. John / St Francis de Sales buildings and properties.
St. Francis - Your help is needed, please consider volunteering.
These include the church, rectory, garage, tool-shed, Parish Hall, surrounding lawns, driveways, walking paths, steps, ramps, porches, and parking lots. The basketball court and playground areas of the properties leased anBuildings and Grounds SJ/SF/SAd maintained by the town of Shandaken, are also subject to archdiocese recreation area safety requirements. Snow removal and lawn care are sub-contracted by season.
Oversight tasks include: heating, plumbing, electrical, lighting, painting, building integrity, stairway and public access area safety, fire extinguishers, smoke and CO2 alarms, exit lighting, handyman type repairs, etc. Generally, tasks such as appliance replacement or repair/servicing are competitively bid and decided via Parish Council discussion and vote.
St. John
Buildings and Grounds are managed by Frank Tietjen and Guy Oddo. Frank and Guy do an amazing job caring for St. John's property, but they could use some Extra support.
St. Augustine's Chapel
The Cemetery Committee oversees maintenance, upkeep, and accurate documentation of cemetery records and maps to facilitate burials and plot purchases. We physically mark out the location for a requested burial, contact an independent contractor to open grave sites, file NYS Burial Permits with the Shandaken Town Clerk, and perform the financial duties for the St Francis de Sales Dedicated Cemetery Accounts, which are separate from all other Parish accounts, and which require an annual reconciliation report of the Archdiocese. Snow removal (as needed) and lawn care are sub-contracted by season. The Cemetery is professionally surveyed, with pins placed to locate each four grave plot.
VOLUNTEER Opportunities....... We would appreciate help with the proper removal of season decorations. Plot owners bring items to the cemetery grounds, and rarely remove them. There are no trash services provided. The Rectory dumpster, at the Parish garage on Main St. Phoenicia, has been used for this purpose. It is a minimal time commitment, which can be done at the volunteers’ convenience. CONTACT: Mark Wilsey (688-5500)
The Communication Committee is responsible for keeping parishioners informed of parish activities, special events, and other relevant information provided by the pastor, parish council and the Archdiocese of New York. In addition, committee members publicize St. John / St. Francis de Sales events and achievements to the community at large. Primary vehicles of parish communications are the weekly bulletin, parish website, flocknote and facebook (currently all managed by Jeanine Meisler). Our St. John / St. Francis de Sales webmaster works closely with the Communications Chair to update the site regularly. Additional information about St. John / St. Francis de Sales is shared through email, flyers, letters and news releases distributed to print and online media.
Until we have a communications chairperson and committee members...all are welcome to submit articles, stories and photos, directly to Jeanine Meisler. Articles are needed by 3 p.m. Monday, for the following Sunday. Send email to [email protected].
Communication in Other Areas:
Computer skills are helpful, but not necessary for all tasks. We welcome any skill, talent or gift you have that will enhance our communication effort. Please contact the rectory for more information.
After Hurricane Irene, St. Francis de Sales Parish Council established a committee that would be able to mobilize quickly and join with other relief efforts to help people in distress in our community. The Council has set aside a small amount of money for use by this committee, should the need arise. It has also identified homes that are willing to temporarily house people whose homes are destroyed or unsafe.
VOLUNTEERS with special skills or equipment that might be called upon in an emergency are invited to contact our Chairman (see bulletin for current contact information), and let the Chairman know how to find you, and if you have a home that could accommodate extra people in an emergency.
This committee is responsible for overseeing all education activities for the parish – for children and adults, as we work with the Archdiocese in the spirit of continuous faith formation for everyone in our community.
We hope to expand education offerings as more VOLUNTEERS step forward and let us know what they are able to provide. One of this committee’s short-term goals is to link key liturgies to adult and children’s educational experience.
Fund-raising is essential to help the church generate the revenue to cover expenses, which increase faster than our income. We choose to develop fund-raising strategies that foster community and fellowship, while also raising money.
The Fund-raising Committee takes responsibility for organizing all fund-raising events, from presenting the idea to the Parish Council, to securing and setting up the Parish Hall, to selling tickets, and coordinating publicity and calls for volunteers through the Communications Committee. At the end of an event, the Committee organizes all bills encumbered and turns over both receipts and proceeds to the Finance Committee. Finally, they report back to the community through the church bulletin about the monetary success of the event, and thank the people who helped. In addition to keeping our parish fiscally sound and energetic, this committee creates a sense of fellowship with other members and with the whole community as they engage in outreach for special events and actually participate in these events.
Past fund-raising activities have included holiday wreath sales and arrangements, indoor yard sales (books, toys, clothing), raffles, 50/50 tickets, and, most recently, mini-courses and musical/storytelling events in which the instructor or artists have donated the proceeds of the workshop to the parish.
VOLUNTEER opportunities are many. New ideas and new people are eagerly sought. CONTACT the rectory to let us know YOUR ideas!
The Parish Hall Committee oversees the use and rental of the Parish Halls. This includes overall hall maintenance, scheduling usage, working with renters before and after the rental to discuss the renter’s needs and our expectations about clean-up, and explaining the need and process for renters to obtain liability insurance. There is a checklist to be used by the renter to insure that the hall is left in proper condition. A Committee member collects the rental fee, and a $5 deposit for the key to the hall. After an event, the Committee member checks the Hall to make sure it is ready for the next use.
During the Winter Months the Following Specialized Duties of the Parish Hall Monitor are needed at St. Francis de Sales
VOLUNTEER Opportunities….We need some new people to serve as Committee members. We also need people at both locations to set-up and clean-up associated with parish activities in the hall. Sign-ups are usually available for each event, or you can call the rectory if you are in need of help.
In addition, this Committee is designed to reach out and respond to people experiencing difficult times – for example, organizing meals, rides to doctors’ appointments, etc. in the aftermath of illness/surgery. Such help can be requested directly, or through our Priest in Attendance.
This Committee gives parishioners great reasons to come together and grow as a parish family. It’s also a great way for VOLUNTEERS to pitch in – helping with just one event or service to someone in need. Watch the bulletin for invitations to join a subcommittee as it plans the next social event. Let the RECTORY know if you would be willing to be on a “Help” list. And if you have a new idea, please step up. People with energy and ideas are most welcome!